
Sleeping Beauty Moon Milk

A perfect drink to have before your beauty sleep.   Contains Lavender Rose Cardamom  Butterfly pea flowers  Honey or agave Dairy-free milk How To Make It A "moon milk" is a milk based drink that has been infused with herbs to encourage relaxation and a restful sleep. This moon milk contains herbs used in witchcraft and magick for beauty and love. Try having this moon milk on a new moon or when the moon is in a sign ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra). Or drink it on a Friday night, Friday's are considered to be the best days for doing beauty, love, and glamour magick.  For one mug of this Sleeping Beauty Moon Milk I used 2 teaspoons of lavender, 6 small rosebuds, 8 cardamom pods and a teaspoon of butterfly pea flowers. Feel free to adjust the amounts to your liking. Gather the lavender, rose, cardamom, and butterfly pea flowers and place them in a selenite bowl along with a rose quartz crystal. Allow the herbs to charge in the bowl for a couple of hours or so.  Ad...

Prosperity Oil

An oil blend for prosperity. Contains Chamomile  Basil Mint Citrine  Olive oil How to Craft This Prosperity Oil Create this prosperity oil on a Thursday during the waxing moon, or on a Sunday. Both ideal times for prosperity magick. Cleanse the space you will be making this oil in, the jar, and yourself by burning sage or rosemary. Burn some cinnamon too to boost the energy for this oil. Cinnamon is used in prosperity magick and attracts wealth to you. Cleanse the citrine crystal in water and then with smoke from sage or rosemary. Charge it in the sunlight for a bit first before adding it to the jar. I used equal amounts of each dried herb.  Be sure to hold each of the ingredients in your hand first and empower them with your intent before adding them to the oil. Once all of the ingredients have been added give the jar a good shake and place your hands around the jar, charge it with your intention and energy. Leave it to charge in the sunlight for 3 hours. Place crystals ...

Tiger's Eye

A crystal of fierce protection and strength  Magickal Correspondences Projective energy Fire The Sun Solar Plexus Chakra Taurus & Gemini Courage, energy, joy, luck, manifestation, money, motivation, prosperity, protection, strength, success, truth, wealth, will-power The Magick of Tiger's Eye Tiger's eye is used for protection. Wear it or carry it with you to protect you from negative energies. Historically, amulets made from tiger's eye were worn to prevent curses. Tiger's eye promotes physical energy when worn. Work with tiger's eye to accomplish goals, instil integrity, and boost will-power.  Tiger's eye can be used to instil self-worth and boost confidence. Meditate with tiger's eye placed on your solar plexus chakra for courage and to bring joy to your life. Tiger's eye can help with anxiety. Work with this crystal to become more confident and courageous. It will give you the strength to overcome and conquer your fears. This crystal is also asso...

Protection Spell Jar

A spell jar for protection. You Will Need Nettles Rosemary Mugwort Dragon's blood resin Black salt Crystal of protection such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, or shungite Written intention Black candle Small glass bottle How to Craft This Spell Bottle Cast this spell on a Saturday, preferably on a Full Moon. Burn sage or rosemary to cleanse yourself, the items, and the room you will be crafting this bottle in. Anoint yourself with some protection oil. Ground and centre yourself before you begin. Cast a circle of protection and call the quarters. Call upon your spirit guides or any deities you work with to aid you in this spell. Or do what you would normally do to prepare for spellwork. On a small piece of paper write the word "protection" with your initials (if you are casting this spell for yourself). Fold the paper towards you three times if possible, place this in the bottom of the bottle. Add the black salt, dragon's blood resin, rosemary, mugwort, nettles and...

Yule Tea

An herbal tea blend for the Winter Solstice. Contains Cinnamon Star anise Cloves Mint Pine needles Rose hips   How To Make It   This is a perfect magickal herbal tea blend for the winter season, especially when doing any Yuletide activities.   For one pot of this tea blend combine 1 teaspoon of cloves and rosehips, 2 teaspoons of dried mint and pine needles, a small bit of a cinnamon stick, and 1 star anise pod. (Feel free to adjust the amounts to what you prefer)   Try making up a jar of this tea blend, pop a clear quartz, rose quartz and citrine crystal in the jar to charge the Yule tea blend with positive and joyous energies.

Plants For Dreaming

Use the following plants in teas, spells, and rituals relating to sleep and dreaming.   African Dream Root  - vivid dreams, dream recall, lucid dreams, induces wild and adventurous dreams Blue Lotus - lucid dreams, relaxation, dream recall, vivid dreams Chamomile  - calming, restful sleep, helps you to fall asleep faster, improves sleep quality Catnip  - relaxation, treats insomnia, vivid dreams Damiana  - lucid dreams, intense dreams, vivid dreams Hops  - peaceful sleep, treats insomnia Jasmine  - relaxation, restful sleep, improves sleep quality Lavender  - relaxation, deep sleep, helps you to fall asleep faster, improves sleep quality Mugwort  - lucid dreams, induces flying dreams, vivid dreams Passion Flower  - calming, treats insomnia, vivid dreams Rosemary  - dream recall, prevents nightmares Skullcap  - calming, relaxation, deep sleep St John's Wort  - prevents nightmares, vivid dreams, could cause insomnia Valeria...


A fiery crystal that instils confidence, creativity and power. Magickal Correspondences Projective energy The Sun, Saturn, Mercury Fire Aries, Capricorn, Leo Root & Sacral chakras Concentration, focus, motivation, energy, confidence, courage, creativity, desire, healing, inspiration, power, rebirth, vitality, success, manifestation, longevity The Magick of Carnelian Carnelian is a crystal of power . It holds a fiery energy that is sure to ignite your crystal magick. Carry carnelian for courage and confidence , or wear carnelian jewellery.  Connected to the root and sacral chakras, carnelian has the ability to ground us in the present moment and ignite a fire inside of us. Meditate with carnelian placed on either of those chakras for it's benefits. Use carnelian to encourage creativity . Light an orange candle and place carnelian around it when you need a boost of creativity. Carnelian is used for success . You can attract and manifest what you desire by working with carnel...


Ancient tree of life, death and immortality.  Magickal Correspondences Receptive energy  Saturn & Pluto Earth & Water Capricorn, Scorpio  Immortality, rebirth, life, death, protection, longevity, change, divinity, strength, renewal, ancestors, dreaming, psychic abilities, insight The Magick of Yew The yew tree is one of the oldest living beings on this planet and can live for thousands of years. One of the oldest yew trees is the Fortingall yew in Perthshire, thought to be over 5,000 years old. A strong symbol for immortality and rebirth. As the tree ages the trunk becomes hollow inside and a new tree sprouts from within. Yew is the World Tree, the Tree of Life, also called Yggdrasil in Norse mythology (Yggdrasil translates as 'needle ash' so it is often confused with the Ash tree). Yew assists in Otherworld journeys and increases our awareness and openness to communication with the Otherworld. Connected to the angelic realm and multidimensional beings, yew raises...


Samhain/Halloween Date : October 31st - 1st of November Colours : black, orange, purple, brown Crystals : black obsidian, black tourmaline, carnelian, onyx, smoky quartz Plants : apples, blackthorn, catnip, chrysanthemums, cinnamon, elderberries, garlic, hazelnuts, mugwort, pomegranate, pumpkins, sage, squash, witch hazel, yew Animals : cats, bats, spiders, crow, raven, owl, frog, toad Symbols : afterlife, cauldrons, crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honour, spirits, the otherworld/underworld, visions, wisdom, witches                                                                      About Samhain  Samhain is one of the eight main Sabbats celebrated by witches, wiccans, and pagans. It is one of the four main fire festivals and the last of the three harvest festivals. The veil separating the physical a...

Fairy Tale Tea

An enchanted fairy tale tea.   Contains Strawberry Elderflower Rose petals Raspberry leaf How to Make it   This herbal tea blend will help connect you with the magick of faeries and the realms of fantasy. Before making this tea, charge the herbs in a selenite bowl or in a bowl with a clear quartz crystal. For one pot of this Fairy Tale Tea combine 1 teaspoon each of dried strawberries, rose petals and raspberry leaf, and half a teaspoon of dried elderflower. Sweeten with a bit of honey. Brew up some of this tea and take it outside to drink, either in your garden or a quiet place in nature, you might just spot a faerie.