
Showing posts from November, 2023

Plant Correspondences

An extensive list of the magickal properties of various herbs, flowers, trees, fruits, and vegetables. A Acorn: abundance, faeries, fertility, growth, luck, potential, protection, wisdom Agrimony: banishing, hex-breaking, enchantment, messages, omens, protection, spirits Alder: banishing, freedom, guidance, prophecy, renewal, transformation Allspice: balance, courage, energy, healing, luck, money, motivation, prosperity, protection, strength, success, virility Aloe: abundance, beauty, fertility, friendship, health, love, luck, peace, protection, well-being Apple: abundance, attraction, beauty, creativity, divination, enchantment, friendship, healing, longevity, love, marriage, relationships, romance, spirits, success, wealth, well-being, wisdom Angelica: angels, attraction, beauty, beginnings, divine, insight, inspiration, protection, purifying, spirits, visions, witchcraft Ash: ambition, balance, fertility, luck, power, prosperity, purification, strength, well-being, wisdom Aspen: anx...