A sunny little flower of joy and prosperity! Correspondences Projective energy Sun Water Happiness, joy, prosperity, good fortune, money, calming, dreams, love, purification The Magick of Chamomile Chamomile is a flower ruled by the Sun, making it perfect for magick relating to happiness and joy. A very simple candle spell to bring happiness and joy to your life would be to dress a yellow or white candle with dried chamomile. Etch your initials and a symbol for the Sun into the candle. Place some chamomile and a citrine and clear quartz crystal around the candle. Recite an incantation, such as “joy, happiness, bliss” or “I am joyful, I am happy, I am blissful”. Light your candle and let it burn down. As the candle is burning visualise yourself happy, smiling, laughing. Think about and focus on what makes you truly happy. Once your candle has burned down collect your crystals and carry them with you. Chamomile attracts money so it’s my go to herb when doing spells or rituals for prosper...