
Showing posts from March, 2024


Nettles are often overlooked but contain many magickal and medicinal uses.   Correspondences Projective energy Fire Pluto & Mars Aries & Scorpio Awareness, banishing, boundaries, courage, energy, healing, justice, meditation, protection, purification, security, self-awareness, the underworld, vitality The Magick of Nettles Nettles are most commonly used in magick for protection. Use them in protection spells and rituals. Add them to protection bottles, or bathe in dried nettles and sea salt for a protective bath. Stinging nettles obviously sting so do be careful when handling them. If you are stung by nettles try rubbing dock leaves on the affected area. The sting from nettles can be removed by drying or cooking them. Nettles are extremely healthy. They're filled with vitamins and minerals. The fresh young leaves and seeds of nettles can be consumed. Nettles are used to treat inflammation, arthritis, allergies, skin conditions, and hair loss. Forage nettle leaves in Spring....


March 20th-22nd Spring Equinox / Vernal Equinox Herbs/plants: daffodils, tulips, crocus, primrose, violets, gorse, birch, ash, nettle, lavender, dandelion, pussy willow, lemon grass, clover Crystals: amethyst, rose quartz, aquamarine, moss agate, moonstone, fluorite Colours: pink, green, blue, yellow, purple, pastel colours Spells: new beginnings, re-awakening, re-birth, balance, growth, renewal, fertility, alignment, harmony Rituals/activities: cleansing, gardening, planting seeds, egg decorating Foods: eggs, seasonal vegetables, salads, dandelion greens, chocolate, hot-cross buns, carrots, asparagus The Magick of Ostara Ostara is a spring Sabbat. To many witches Imbolc marks the beginning of spring while Ostara is the midway point when spring is at its peak. It is the vernal equinox, when day and night are of equal length. A time of balance and rebirth. A reawakening of nature. Go for a walk outside and look for signs of spring. Pick some spring flowers to put on your altar. ...

Springtime Incense Blend

An incense blend that's perfect for springtime! Contains Rosemary Lavender Jasmine flowers Rose petals Copal resin How To Make It Combine one part each of dried rosemary and copal resin and two parts each of dried lavender, jasmine flowers, and rose petals. You can grind them up in a mortar pestle and place on a charcoal disk to burn. This makes a wonderful incense to burn for Ostara.


An aromatic herb used for centuries in magick for protection and cleansing.   Magickal Correspondences Projective energy The Sun Fire Aries & Leo Protection, clarity, purification, love, mental ability, healing, cleansing, consecrating The Magick of Rosemary   Rosemary is a cleansing and purifying herb. Use rosemary oil or burn rosemary to cleanse your altar and magickal tools. Add rosemary to your bath water for a spiritual cleanse. Try adding in some Himalayan salt for a powerful cleansing duo. To spiritually cleanse an area and rid it of negative energy, combine Full Moon water and sea salt that has been cleansed and consecrated. Then take a sprig of rosemary to dip into the water to sprinkle around. Try adding a sprig of rosemary or some rosemary essential oil to your mop water and magickally cleanse your floors. Another method of magickal cleansing with rosemary is to add 3 sprigs of rosemary to a pot of water and let it simmer on your stove as a simmer pot. Carefully...