
Showing posts from January, 2024

"The Goddess Path" Book Review

  "The Goddess Path: Myths, Invocations & Rituals" by Patricia Monaghan This book is about various Goddesses from different cultures across the world. It also explains the Goddess in all of her aspects, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Each chapter is dedicated to a Goddess. It starts off with an invocation and then goes into the myth and legend of the different Goddesses and their rituals, symbols, and celebrations. At the end of each chapter the reader is encouraged to ask themselves a series of questions meant to deepen your connection to the Goddesses and reflect on their meaning in your own life. "The goddess path is within you… that is where she lives, even when you forget to look for her. Look for her there, and you will always find her." The Goddess Path, Patricia Monoghan Something I appreciate about this book is that it doesn't just skim the surface. Even though the sections on the Goddesses are brief, it is still able to dive deep into their myth an...

Anointing Oil

A ritual anointing oil. Contains Rosemary Frankincense Myrrh Olive oil Clear quartz How to Craft This Anointing Oil Combine equal parts of rosemary, frankincense, and myrrh essential oils in olive oil. Be sure to cleanse the clear quartz and set your intention for the crystal before adding it to the anointing oil. Keep the anointing oil in a small glass jar or bottle. The oil will keep longer if stored in a dark glass vessel and kept out of direct sunlight. Charge the oil under the light of a full moon. Surround it with a crystal grid of citrine, black obsidian, and amethyst. Use this oil for anointing purposes. Use it to anoint yourself, others, objects, or your altar. Anointing oils can be used for consecrating, bringing protection, or healing. This is the oil blend I use when doing most rituals, I find it brings spiritual protection and invites positive, loving energies. I will anoint my third eye chakra and the soles of my feet. If you liked this, check out these similar posts Visi...