Plant Correspondences
An extensive list of the magickal properties of various herbs, flowers, trees, fruits, and vegetables.
Acorn: abundance, faeries, fertility, growth, luck, potential, protection, wisdom
Agrimony: banishing, hex-breaking, enchantment, messages, omens, protection, spirits
Alder: banishing, freedom, guidance, prophecy, renewal, transformation
Allspice: balance, courage, energy, healing, luck, money, motivation, prosperity, protection, strength, success, virility
Aloe: abundance, beauty, fertility, friendship, health, love, luck, peace, protection, well-being
Apple: abundance, attraction, beauty, creativity, divination, enchantment, friendship, healing, longevity, love, marriage, relationships, romance, spirits, success, wealth, well-being, wisdom
Angelica: angels, attraction, beauty, beginnings, divine, insight, inspiration, protection, purifying, spirits, visions, witchcraft
Ash: ambition, balance, fertility, luck, power, prosperity, purification, strength, well-being, wisdom
Aspen: anxiety-relief, astral realm, courage, eloquence, fear, harmony, knowledge, money, skills, success
Avocado: beauty, fertility, health, love, lust
Bamboo: business, energy, friendship, growth, harmony, hex-breaking, longevity, money, positivity, prosperity, strength, wisdom
Banana: confidence, fertility, happiness, health, luck, strength, wealth
Barley: abundance, healing, love, release, sacrifice
Basil: attraction, balance, clairvoyance, clarity, confidence, courage, family, fertility, friendship, focus, happiness, healing, hex-breaking, honesty, love, luck, magick, memory, money, power, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, success, wealth, wishes
Bay Laurel: creativity, harmony, healing, luck, manifestation, peace, protection, purification, strength, success, victory, visions, wishes
Beech: banishing, creativity, friendship, goals, kindness, prosperity, stability, wisdom, wishes
Belladonna: astral realm, divination, enchantment, hexes, imagination, magick, visions, witches
Bergamot: anxiety-relief, balance, calm, confidence, courage, dreamwork, emotions, focus, energy, harmony, love, money, peace, prosperity, stress-relief, wealth
Bilberry: banish negativity, detoxing, health, hex-breaking, luck, protection, well-being
Birch: awareness, beginnings, blessings, clarity, intuition, learning, love, protection, purification, re-birth, sleep, spirits, well-being, wisdom
Blackberry: communication, fertility, grounding, happiness, harmony, healing, luck, prosperity, protection, wealth
Black Pepper: banishing, courage, dispel fear, dispel negativity, motivation, protection
Blackthorn: banish, guidance, magick, obstacles, protection, purification, strength, truth
Blessed Thistle: blessings, consecration, healing, hex breaking, protection, purification, spirituality, strength, vitality
Bluebell: abundance, balance, enchantment, faeries, friendship, kindness, love, luck, magick, prosperity, sleep, spirits, witchcraft
Blueberry: beauty, calm, happiness, health, peace, well-being, youth
Borage: awareness, beauty, beginnings, calm, courage, grounding, happiness, money, power, psychic ability, purification
Broom: banish, creativity, divination, focus, healing, intuition, memory, overcome obstacles, prosperity, protection, purification, strength, wisdom, witchcraft
Burdock: balance, calm, cleansing, defence, healing, protection, purification, uncrossing, warding
Buttercups: abundance, friendship, joy, kindness, love, marriage, relationships, success
Calendula: consecration, happiness, healing, positivity, psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, success
Cardamom: clarity, compassion, concentration, focus, love, lust, passion, power, psychic powers, sleep, unity
Carnation: balance, beauty, communication, confidence, creativity, emotions, harmony, justice, love, strength, truth, well-being
Catnip: attraction, beauty, courage, dreamwork, energy, fertility, friendship, happiness, harmony, love, luck, peace, psychic abilities, sleep, spirits, stress-relief
Cayenne: fidelity, hex-breaking, motivation, removes obstacles, strength
Cedar: calm, clairvoyance, communication, confidence, determination, longevity, luck, peace, prosperity, purification, spirits, wealth
Chamomile: communication, dreamwork, happiness, harmony, healing, joy, luck, prosperity, money, sleep, stress-relief, success, wealth
Cherry: attraction, awakening, beauty, compassion, creativity, happiness, harmony, knowledge, love, peace, romance
Chestnut: abundance, fertility, grounding, justice, longevity, luck, peace, prosperity, protection from hexes, success
Chicory: faithfulness, invisibility, love, prophecy, removes curses, removes obstacles, success
Chrysanthemum: abundance, challenges, courage, friendship, health, honour, joy, longevity, perfection, protection, truth, visions, well-being
Chilli Pepper: banishing, cleansing, courage, energising, hex-breaking, love, protection, removes curses
Cinnamon: desire, divination, focus, healing, love, luck, money, power, prosperity, protection, purification, psychic abilities, strength, success, wealth, wishes
Clove: awareness, banish negativity, bind, friendship, healing, hex-breaking, love, memory, money, prosperity, psychic protection, wealth
Clover: attraction, beauty, enchantment, fidelity, friendship, harmony, healing, intuition, love, luck, magick, money, power, protection, wealth, youth
Coconut: abundance, divination, increases potency of spells, lunar magick, purification, water magick
Coffee: divination, energy, grounding, hex-breaking, manifesting, motivation, power, removes obstacles
Coltsfoot: divination, healing, justice, love, money, peace, prosperity, visions
Columbine: beauty, courage, inner purification, love, release, shadow work, spirits
Comfrey: astral realm, balance, banish, bind, control, dream recall, endings, healing, memory, money, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, strength, wealth
Copal: aura-strengthening, blessing, cleansing, consecration, healing, meditation, protection, purification, spirituality
Coriander: community, consecrate, fertility, fidelity, healing, immortality, love, lust, passion, peace, prosperity, psychic abilities
Corn: abundance, growth, luck, prosperity, protection, rebirth, wealth
Cowslip: beauty, calm, connected to the fae, comforting, grace, healing, magick, secrecy, spirits, youthfulness
Cumin: balance, courage, fidelity, hex-breaking, love, prevents theft, protection from negativity
Cypress: afterlife, awareness, banishing, binding, confidence, consecrate, defence, grounding, healing, inspiration, life, past life recall, release, sorrow, strength, transformation, willpower, wisdom
Daffodil: afterlife, beauty, calm, faeries, fear, fertility, friendship, luck, magick, spirits
Daisy: attraction, beauty, blessings, communication, creativity, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, inner strength, joy, light, love, luck, lust, magick, youth
Damiana: astral projection, divination, love, lucid dreaming, lust, meditation, passion, psychic abilities, visions
Dandelion: astral awareness, courage, divination, happiness, joy, luck, manifestation, psychic abilities, power, resilience, spirits, wishes
Dill: calming, energy, hexes, inner strength, justice, knowledge, money, prophecy, protection, purification, stress-relief, wealth, willpower, witchcraft
Dragon's Blood: attraction, banish, confidence, consecrate, courage, defence, empowerment, energy, healing, hex breaking, home protection, inspiration, love, lust, magick, money, obstacles, passion, power, psychic protection, psychic abilities, purification, release, reverse, spirituality, success, spirituality
Echinacea: enhances spells, healing, manifestation, power, prosperity, purification, success, well-being
Elder: abundance, beauty, blessings, consecrate, dreamwork, grounding, healing, knowledge, life, inner purification, love, magick, prosperity, protection, rebirth, security, sleep, success, wealth, wisdom
Elm: beginnings, compassion, endurance, grounding, healing, love, sleep, stability, willpower
Eucalyptus: cleansing, healing, protection, purification, warding, well-being
Eyebright: clairvoyance, clarity, divination, healing, insight, memories, psychic abilities, spirituality, truth, visions
Fennel: courage, energy, fertility, healing, longevity, protection, security, spirits, strength, visions
Fern: banish, concentration, confidence, defence, enchantment, focus, hexes, longevity, magick, money, prosperity, protection, purification, release, spirits, wealth
Fig: divination, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sleep, wisdom
Fir: calm, comfort, hope, insight, introspection, light, memory, renewal, spiritual awareness
Flax: beauty, bind, healing, luck, money, prophecy, prosperity, visions, wards away the evil eye
Forget-me-nots: beauty, clarity, friendship, memories, peace, relationships, success, true love, understanding
Foxglove: enchantment, faeries, harmony, magick, protection, secrets
Frankincense: astral realm, awareness, balance, cleansing, divination, exorcism, happiness, harmony, healing, meditation, power, prosperity, protection, purification, spirits, spirituality, success, visions
Gardenia: astral realm, comfort, compassion, emotions, femininity, friendship, harmony, healing, hex breaking, love, marriage, money, peace, relationships, spirits, spirituality, well-being
Garlic: anxiety-relief, banish, defence, fear, health, hex breaking, justice, magick, protection, purification, security, spirits, strength, well-being, witchcraft
Geranium: astral realm, balance, beauty, fertility, friendship, happiness, health, love, prosperity, protection, success
Ginger: attraction, beauty, balance, energy, grounding, healing, inspiration, love, luck, money, passion, protection, success, wealth, well-being
Ginseng: awaken, beauty, calm, creativity, fertility, healing, love, lust, memory, money, passion, wisdom, wishes
Goldenrod: beauty, divination, good fortune, happiness, intuition, love, money, prosperity, wealth
Gorse: faith, good fortune, love, money, prosperity, protection, rebirth, strength
Grape: abundance, fertility, inspiration, love, money, prophecy, prosperity, spirituality, transformation
Hawthorn: challenges, creativity, enchantment, family, growth, hope, life, love, luck, magick, marriage, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, release attachments, success, wisdom, wishes
Hazel: beauty, clairvoyance, communication, intuition, knowledge, longevity, luck, power, protection, security, strength, wisdom
Heather: awareness, beauty, change, faeries, luck, new beginnings, omens, peace, positivity, protection, spirits, spirituality, visions
Hemlock: breaks love spells, cursing, death, destruction, endings, poison
Henbane: astral realm, divination, love, magick, sleep, visions, witchcraft
Hibiscus: beauty, clairvoyance, divination, dream magick, harmony, love, lust, peace, passion
High John the Conqueror: bind, business, challenge, courage, desire, empowerment, happiness, hex-breaking, justice, love, lust, magick, money, peace, power, prosperity, protection, strength, success, wealth, well-being
Holly: balance, banish, beauty, consecrate, courage, dreamwork, enchantment, guidance, healing, life, luck, messages, power, protection, rebirth, security, sleep, spirits, strength, support, wishes
Honeysuckle: binding, confidence, devotion, fidelity, generosity, justice, love, money, prosperity, psychic abilities, success, wealth, well-being, wishes, witchcraft
Hops: calming, dreamwork, peace, prevents nightmares, relaxation, sleep
Horse Chestnut: divination, healing, luck, money, prosperity, wealth
Hyacinth: affection, beauty, emotions, grief, jealousy, joy, kindness, love, peace, prosperity
Hydrangea: boundaries, hex-breaking, intuition, prevents nightmares, protection, psychic abilities, removes curses
Hyssop: asperging, balance, blessings, cleansing, healing, protection, purification
Iris: acceptance, cleansing, freedom, inspiration, new beginnings, patience, psychic abilities, purification, wealth, willpower, wisdom
Irish Moss: abundance, luck, lunar magick, money, protection, water magick
Ivy: attraction, binding, fidelity, friendship, growth, love, marriage, protection, transformation
Jasmine: affection, attraction, beauty, dreamwork, friendships, harmony, healing, love, lust, peace, prophecy, relationships, sleep, spirituality, well-being
Juniper: banish, beginnings, break hexes, calm, dreamwork, emotions, grounding, harmony, learning, love, optimism, psychic abilities, sleep, spirits, spirituality, transformation, wellbeing
Lady's Mantle: alchemy, courage, fertility, love, luck, marriage, sleep, women's health
Larkspur: compassion, health, joy, love, openness, positivity, protection, protection from ghosts, relationships, sight, uplifting
Laurel: awareness, banish, blessings, clairvoyance, clarity, courage, determination, dreamwork, fear, inspiration, intuition, life, longevity, magick, manifestation, marriage, messages, prophecy, prosperity, protection, physic abilities, purification, sleep, spirituality, success, visions, wisdom, wishes
Lavender: anti-anxiety, calm, clairvoyance, clarity, concentration, dreamwork, emotions, grounding, healing, magic, manifestation, marriage, peace, protection, psychic abilities, relationships, tranquillity, well-being
Leek: exorcism, love, protection, victory, virtue
Lemon: banishing negativity, beauty, breaks hexes, cleansing, energy, happiness, healing, protection, purification, removes curses, well-being
Lemon Balm: anxiety-relief, calm, clarity, concentration, heartbreak, longevity, love, memories, money, past life, renewal, spirits, success, sympathy
Lemongrass: awakening, communication, healing, magick, opening, protection, psychic abilities, removes obstacles, spirituality
Liquorice: attraction, boosts spellwork, binding, control, fidelity, love, lust, power
Lilac: attraction, balance, beauty, clairvoyance, creativity, dreamwork, emotions, happiness, harmony, inspiration, life, light, love, luck, peace, purification, release, spirit contact, spirituality, well-being, youth
Lily: afterlife, beauty, calm, communication, creativity, love, manifestation, peace, prosperity, protection, purity, willpower
Lily of the Valley: calm, consecrate, desire, happiness, harmony, healing, inspiration, life, love, marriage, optimism, peace
Lime: cleansing, healing, protection, purification
Linden: attraction, calm, communication, longevity, love, peace, protection, sleep, strength, support, transformation
Lotus: awareness, balance, blessings, compassion, consciousness, creativity, dreamwork, empowerment, enlightenment, grace, gratitude, growth, harmony, healing, inspiration, introspection, life, light, magick, mindfulness, psychic abilities, rebirth, renewal, sleep, spirituality, wisdom
Lovage: attraction, dreamwork, justice, love, passion, purification, rebirth, romance
Mace: good fortune, love, luck, money, psychic abilities, success, wealth
Magnolia: attraction, clarity, harmony, love, marriage peace, purification, relationships, visions, wisdom
Mandrake: astral realm, banish, bind, challenge, courage, desire, divination, dreamwork, hex-breaking, love, magick, omens, money, passion, power, prosperity, sleep, spirits, wealth, witchcraft
Mango: family, friendship, love, protection
Maple: abundance, balance, communication, creativity, family, longevity, love, money, prosperity, relationships, transformation, wisdom
Marigold: affection, awareness, communication, consecrate, devotion, divination, energy, fidelity, grief, happiness, healing, jealousy, justice, longevity, love, peace, pleasure, prophecy, psychic abilities, spiritual protection, sorrow, success, transformation, visions, wealth, well-being
Marjoram: afterlife, attraction, calm, concentration, family, grief, healing, love, marriage, money, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, sleep, sorrow
Marshmallow Root: attraction, fertility, happiness, love, peace, soothing
Meadowsweet: celebrations, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, love, luck, peace, security, transitions
Milk Thistle: healing, hex-breaking, protection
Mint: consecration, healing, love, joy, peace, psychic abilities, psychic protection, purification, success
Mistletoe: awaken, beauty, blessings, consecrate, death, defence, divination, energy, fertility, friendship, life-force, longevity, love, luck, magick, marriage, messages, peace, power, prosperity, protection, purification, rebirth, renewal, spirits, strength, success
Morning Glory: affection, balance, change, consciousness, divination, dreamwork, family, fear, freedom, happiness, peace, strength, travel
Moss: comfort, healing, luck, money, protection
Mugwort: astral realm, awareness, blessings, clairvoyance, consecrate, divination, empathy, guidance, love, lucid dreams, magic, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, sleep, spirits, strength, travel, visions, witchcraft
Mullein: angels, awareness, balance, beauty, courage, divination, harmony, nightmares, protection from negativity, psychic abilities, purification, spirits, unity, well-being
Mustard: acceptance, control, faith, fertility, healing, justice, love, lust, money, power, protection, purification, security, strength, success, travel
Myrrh: abundance, afterlife, awareness, balance, banish, blessings, concentration, consecrate, gratitude, grounding, healing, hex-breaking, longevity, love, magick, manifestation, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, purification, renewal, spirits, spirituality, success, transformation, wealth, well-being
Myrtle: the afterlife, creativity, cycles, death, emotions, fidelity, grief, life, love, luck, marriage, passion, peace, prosperity, release, wealth, youth
Nettle: banishing, boundaries, communication, confidence, courage, defence, fear, healing, hex-breaking, justice, luck, magick, protection, purification, security, self-awareness
Nutmeg: beauty, beginnings, calming, clairvoyance, concentration, creativity, divination, dreamwork, enchantment, fidelity, hex-breaking, love, luck, money, power, prosperity, psychic abilities, sleep, strength, visions, wealth
Oak: abundance, blessings, confidence, courage, healing, inspiration, knowledge, longevity, luck, money, nature spirits, power, protection, strength, wealth, wellbeing, wisdom
Oak Moss: attraction, luck, money, strength, protection, wealth
Oat Straw: calming, concentration, fertility, money, stress-relief
Olive: abundance, attraction, balance, blessings, consecrate, fertility, harmony, healing, the home, hope, love, luck, marriage, money, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, renewal, spirits, success, travel, wealth, well-being
Onion: absorbs negativity, banishing, break bad habits, dispel anger, health, protection, purification
Orange: creativity, energy, friendship, health, inspiration, luck, vitality
Orchid: attraction, beauty, desire, fidelity, friendship, love, lust, psychic powers, youth
Orris Root: astral realm, attraction, communication, control, creativity, divination, love, magick, obstacles, protection, romance
Palm: abundance, beginnings, confidence, luck, magick, money, opportunities, peace, power, psychic ability, spirituality, strength, success
Palo Santo: cleansing, healing, inspiration, meditation, positivity, spirituality, uplifting
Pansy: divination, friendship, happiness, joy, love, mends a broken heart, purity, rebirth
Papaya: banishing, health, love, protection, warding
Paprika: boosts spellwork, courage, empowerment, energy, lust, strength
Parsley: cleansing, fertility, love, pleasure, power, protection, purification
Parsnip: fertility, grounding, healing, money, prosperity, wisdom
Passion Flower: anxiety-relief, attraction, balance, calm, challenges, clarity, confidence, dreamwork, friendship, inner peace, sleep, spirituality, the home
Patchouli: attraction, balance, banish, blessings, consecration, creativity, divination, fertility, grounding, growth, happiness, harmony, knowledge, love, luck, lust, magick, manifestation, memories, money, passion, peace, prosperity, psychic protection, purification, renewal, success, wealth
Peach: creativity, fertility, happiness, immortality, joy, longevity, love, luck, protection, warding
Pear: abundance, confidence, femininity, fertility, health, love, prosperity, protection, self-love, success, wisdom
Pecan: abundance, longevity, prosperity, protection, wealth
Pennyroyal: calm, family, healing, hex-breaking, love, marriage, peace, protection from negativity, purification, strength, the home, trust
Peony: anxiety-relief, banish, dreamwork, luck, magic, opportunities, prosperity, protection, release, sorrow, success
Peppermint: action, awaken, awareness, banish negativity, calm, challenge, clarity, concentration, creativity, divination, dreamwork, energy, healing, life, love, luck, lust, money, power, psychic abilities, purification, release, sleep, strength, stress-relief, visions, warmth
Pine: abundance, banish, bind, blessings, confidence, courage, creativity, energy, friendship, grounding, harmony, hex breaking, justice, prosperity, purification, reconciliation, release, spirits, spiritual growth, strength, truth, wellbeing, wisdom
Pineapple: fertility, happiness, luck, money, prosperity, wealth
Pistachio: abundance, hex-breaking, luck, prosperity, undo's a love spell, wealth
Plantain: healing, hex-breaking, protection, strength, warding
Plum: beauty, health, home protection, love, lust, passion, prosperity, romance
Pomegranate: the afterlife, blessings, creativity, death, divination, family, grounding, the home, hope, longevity, love, luck, prosperity, protection, wealth, wishes
Poplar: astral realm, courage, divination, money, prosperity, spirituality, wealth
Poppy: afterlife, astral realm, dreamwork, enchantment, fertility, love, luck, lunar magic, lust, money, omens, prosperity, rebirth, sleep, visions, wealth
Potato: abundance, grounding, health, nourishment, protection, warding
Primrose: anxiety-relief, balance, beauty, blessings, consecrate, faeries, friendship, generosity, harmony, love, magic, peace, purity, sorrow, spirituality, youth
Pumpkin: abundance, creativity, divination, growth, magic, manifestation, prosperity, protection, wishes, witchcraft
Raspberry: beauty, clarity, fear, love, optimism, pregnancy, protection, release, self-work, trust
Rhubarb: fidelity, happiness, love, lust, protection, well-being
Rice: abundance, fertility, health, money, prosperity, wealth, well-being
Rose: attraction, beauty, blessings, compassion, confidence, consecrate, devotion, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, love, luck, passion, protection, psychic abilities, sorrow, spirituality, strength, trust, wisdom
Rosemary: afterlife, attraction, banish, bind, clarity, cleansing, communication, concentration, courage, creativity, dream recall, emotions, focus, healing, hex-breaking, honesty, intuition, knowledge, life, longevity, love, loyalty, luck, magic, marriage, memory, negativity, protection, purification, rebirth, spirits, success, well-being, wisdom
Rowan: creativity, enchantment, healing, inspiration, magick, protection, psychic abilities, spirits, wisdom, witchcraft
Rue: banish, clarity, consecrate, defence, desire, divination, emotions, freedom, grace, harmony, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, love, magic, negativity, nightmares, power, protection, purification, release, sorrow, spirits, well-being, wisdom, witchcraft
Saffron: aphrodisiac, inner peace, love, memory, money, psychic abilities, success, wealth
Sage: balance, blessings, clairvoyance, cleansing, concentration, consciousness, consecrate, fear, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmony, healing, insight, knowledge, life, peace, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, spirits, spirituality, strength, visions, wisdom, wishes
Sandalwood: calming, dispels negativity, meditation, peace, protection, psychic abilities, success, tranquillity
Skullcap: anxiety-relief, calm, dreamwork, fidelity, love, relaxation, sleep, stress-relief, trance
Sesame: abundance, good fortune, fertility, luck, money, prosperity, purification
Snapdragon: banish, clairaudience, emotions, hex-breaking, money, prosperity, protection, release
Snowdrop: courage, hope, innocence, joy, miracles, new beginnings, optimism, purity, renewal, sympathy
Solomon's Seal: banish, decisions, intuition, magic, protection, purification, spirits, success, wisdom
Spruce: anxiety-relief, balance, calm, clarity, enlightenment, grounding, harmony, healing, nature spirits, protection
St. John's Wort: anti-depressant, anxiety-relief, banish, blessings, courage, divination, dreamwork, energy, fear, freedom, happiness, healing, justice, luck, money, nightmares, peace, prosperity, psychic protection, purification, strength, well-being, willpower
Star Anise: divination, manifestation, clarity, psychic powers, money, love
Strawberry: attraction, beauty, desire, friendship, harmony, love, luck, relationships
Sunflower: abundance, balance, clarity, energy, fertility, happiness, harmony, joy, light, luck, money, peace, release, sorrow, spirituality, strength, well-being, wishes
Sweet Pea: beauty, fidelity, friendship, love, luck, pleasure, strength, youth
Sweetgrass: cleansing, dispels negativity, peace, positivity, protection
Sweet Woodruff: balance, calm, change, friendship, healing, money, prosperity, protection, purification, success, wealth
Sycamore: abundance, communication, determination, endurance, energy, learning, longevity, love, purification, rebirth, stability, strength, wisdom
Tarragon: banishing, calming, compassion, confidence, courage, love, luck, peace
Thistle: banishing, defence, hex-breaking, hexing, protection, strength, warding, will-power, wishes
Thyme: awaken, awareness, calm, clairvoyance, confidence, consecrate, divination, energy, faeries, grief, growth, happiness, healing, honesty, love, luck, magic, money, nightmares, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, renewal, sleep, sorrow, strength, well-being
Tobacco: banishing, blessing, cleansing, invoking spirits, offerings, protection, spirit communication
Tomato: love, lust, passion, prosperity, protection
Tulip: beauty, divination, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Valerian: anxiety-relief, blessings, calm, challenges, communication, creativity, happiness, harmony, healing, longevity, love, money, peace, protection, purification, reconciliation, sleep, spirits, stress-relief, truth
Vanilla: attraction, beauty, happiness, friendship, love, lust, money
Vervain: anxiety-relief, banish, blessings, calm, consecrate, discipline, divination, dreamwork, empowerment, enchantment, fidelity, freedom, grace, grounding, harmony, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, longevity, magic, marriage, money, nightmares, prophecy, power, purification, release, removing obstacles, success, wealth, witchcraft, youth
Violets: afterlife, angels, beauty, emotions, endings, faeries, guidance, happiness, healing, heartbreak, hope, love, luck, lust, marriage, passion, shyness, sleep, transformation, well-being, wishes
Walnut: blessings, consecrate, fertility, healing, knowledge, prophecy, protection, spirits, transformation, wealth, wellbeing, wisdom, wishes
Watermelon: cleansing, fertility, happiness, health, love, luck, lust, peace, relaxation
Wheat: abundance, fertility, growth, money, rebirth, wealth
Willow: beauty, beginnings, binding, blessings, communication, consecrate, courage, death, dreamwork, enchantment, fertility, freedom, grace, healing, inspiration, intuition, magick, optimism, prophecy, protection, relationships, sorrow, spirits, wishes, witchcraft
Witch Hazel: anxiety-relief, banish, courage, divination, healing, protection, willpower, wisdom
Wormwood: banishing, cleansing, divination, invoke spirits, opens your third eye, protection, psychic abilities, visions
Yarrow: attraction, awareness, banish, beauty, blessings, challenges, clairvoyance, confidence, consecrate, divination, fidelity, friendship, growth, love, marriage, power, psychic abilities, purification, release, spirit contact, spiritual protection, strength, success, visions, well-being, witchcraft
Yew: the afterlife, communication with spirits, death, divination, enchantment, eternity, longevity, protection, psychic ability, rebirth, resurrection, sleep, sorrow, spirits, strength, Yddrasil
Ylang Ylang: aphrodisiac, beauty, femininity, happiness, passion, stress-relief, youth
Acorn: abundance, faeries, fertility, growth, luck, potential, protection, wisdom
Agrimony: banishing, hex-breaking, enchantment, messages, omens, protection, spirits
Alder: banishing, freedom, guidance, prophecy, renewal, transformation
Allspice: balance, courage, energy, healing, luck, money, motivation, prosperity, protection, strength, success, virility
Aloe: abundance, beauty, fertility, friendship, health, love, luck, peace, protection, well-being
Apple: abundance, attraction, beauty, creativity, divination, enchantment, friendship, healing, longevity, love, marriage, relationships, romance, spirits, success, wealth, well-being, wisdom
Angelica: angels, attraction, beauty, beginnings, divine, insight, inspiration, protection, purifying, spirits, visions, witchcraft
Ash: ambition, balance, fertility, luck, power, prosperity, purification, strength, well-being, wisdom
Aspen: anxiety-relief, astral realm, courage, eloquence, fear, harmony, knowledge, money, skills, success
Avocado: beauty, fertility, health, love, lust
Bamboo: business, energy, friendship, growth, harmony, hex-breaking, longevity, money, positivity, prosperity, strength, wisdom
Banana: confidence, fertility, happiness, health, luck, strength, wealth
Barley: abundance, healing, love, release, sacrifice
Basil: attraction, balance, clairvoyance, clarity, confidence, courage, family, fertility, friendship, focus, happiness, healing, hex-breaking, honesty, love, luck, magick, memory, money, power, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, success, wealth, wishes
Bay Laurel: creativity, harmony, healing, luck, manifestation, peace, protection, purification, strength, success, victory, visions, wishes
Beech: banishing, creativity, friendship, goals, kindness, prosperity, stability, wisdom, wishes
Belladonna: astral realm, divination, enchantment, hexes, imagination, magick, visions, witches
Bergamot: anxiety-relief, balance, calm, confidence, courage, dreamwork, emotions, focus, energy, harmony, love, money, peace, prosperity, stress-relief, wealth
Bilberry: banish negativity, detoxing, health, hex-breaking, luck, protection, well-being
Birch: awareness, beginnings, blessings, clarity, intuition, learning, love, protection, purification, re-birth, sleep, spirits, well-being, wisdom
Blackberry: communication, fertility, grounding, happiness, harmony, healing, luck, prosperity, protection, wealth
Black Pepper: banishing, courage, dispel fear, dispel negativity, motivation, protection
Blackthorn: banish, guidance, magick, obstacles, protection, purification, strength, truth
Blessed Thistle: blessings, consecration, healing, hex breaking, protection, purification, spirituality, strength, vitality
Bluebell: abundance, balance, enchantment, faeries, friendship, kindness, love, luck, magick, prosperity, sleep, spirits, witchcraft
Blueberry: beauty, calm, happiness, health, peace, well-being, youth
Borage: awareness, beauty, beginnings, calm, courage, grounding, happiness, money, power, psychic ability, purification
Broom: banish, creativity, divination, focus, healing, intuition, memory, overcome obstacles, prosperity, protection, purification, strength, wisdom, witchcraft
Burdock: balance, calm, cleansing, defence, healing, protection, purification, uncrossing, warding
Buttercups: abundance, friendship, joy, kindness, love, marriage, relationships, success
Calendula: consecration, happiness, healing, positivity, psychic abilities, prophetic dreams, success
Cardamom: clarity, compassion, concentration, focus, love, lust, passion, power, psychic powers, sleep, unity
Carnation: balance, beauty, communication, confidence, creativity, emotions, harmony, justice, love, strength, truth, well-being
Catnip: attraction, beauty, courage, dreamwork, energy, fertility, friendship, happiness, harmony, love, luck, peace, psychic abilities, sleep, spirits, stress-relief
Cayenne: fidelity, hex-breaking, motivation, removes obstacles, strength
Cedar: calm, clairvoyance, communication, confidence, determination, longevity, luck, peace, prosperity, purification, spirits, wealth
Chamomile: communication, dreamwork, happiness, harmony, healing, joy, luck, prosperity, money, sleep, stress-relief, success, wealth
Cherry: attraction, awakening, beauty, compassion, creativity, happiness, harmony, knowledge, love, peace, romance
Chestnut: abundance, fertility, grounding, justice, longevity, luck, peace, prosperity, protection from hexes, success
Chicory: faithfulness, invisibility, love, prophecy, removes curses, removes obstacles, success
Chrysanthemum: abundance, challenges, courage, friendship, health, honour, joy, longevity, perfection, protection, truth, visions, well-being
Chilli Pepper: banishing, cleansing, courage, energising, hex-breaking, love, protection, removes curses
Cinnamon: desire, divination, focus, healing, love, luck, money, power, prosperity, protection, purification, psychic abilities, strength, success, wealth, wishes
Clove: awareness, banish negativity, bind, friendship, healing, hex-breaking, love, memory, money, prosperity, psychic protection, wealth
Clover: attraction, beauty, enchantment, fidelity, friendship, harmony, healing, intuition, love, luck, magick, money, power, protection, wealth, youth
Coconut: abundance, divination, increases potency of spells, lunar magick, purification, water magick
Coffee: divination, energy, grounding, hex-breaking, manifesting, motivation, power, removes obstacles
Coltsfoot: divination, healing, justice, love, money, peace, prosperity, visions
Columbine: beauty, courage, inner purification, love, release, shadow work, spirits
Comfrey: astral realm, balance, banish, bind, control, dream recall, endings, healing, memory, money, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, strength, wealth
Copal: aura-strengthening, blessing, cleansing, consecration, healing, meditation, protection, purification, spirituality
Coriander: community, consecrate, fertility, fidelity, healing, immortality, love, lust, passion, peace, prosperity, psychic abilities
Corn: abundance, growth, luck, prosperity, protection, rebirth, wealth
Cowslip: beauty, calm, connected to the fae, comforting, grace, healing, magick, secrecy, spirits, youthfulness
Cumin: balance, courage, fidelity, hex-breaking, love, prevents theft, protection from negativity
Cypress: afterlife, awareness, banishing, binding, confidence, consecrate, defence, grounding, healing, inspiration, life, past life recall, release, sorrow, strength, transformation, willpower, wisdom
Daffodil: afterlife, beauty, calm, faeries, fear, fertility, friendship, luck, magick, spirits
Daisy: attraction, beauty, blessings, communication, creativity, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, inner strength, joy, light, love, luck, lust, magick, youth
Damiana: astral projection, divination, love, lucid dreaming, lust, meditation, passion, psychic abilities, visions
Dandelion: astral awareness, courage, divination, happiness, joy, luck, manifestation, psychic abilities, power, resilience, spirits, wishes
Dill: calming, energy, hexes, inner strength, justice, knowledge, money, prophecy, protection, purification, stress-relief, wealth, willpower, witchcraft
Dragon's Blood: attraction, banish, confidence, consecrate, courage, defence, empowerment, energy, healing, hex breaking, home protection, inspiration, love, lust, magick, money, obstacles, passion, power, psychic protection, psychic abilities, purification, release, reverse, spirituality, success, spirituality
Echinacea: enhances spells, healing, manifestation, power, prosperity, purification, success, well-being
Elder: abundance, beauty, blessings, consecrate, dreamwork, grounding, healing, knowledge, life, inner purification, love, magick, prosperity, protection, rebirth, security, sleep, success, wealth, wisdom
Elm: beginnings, compassion, endurance, grounding, healing, love, sleep, stability, willpower
Eucalyptus: cleansing, healing, protection, purification, warding, well-being
Eyebright: clairvoyance, clarity, divination, healing, insight, memories, psychic abilities, spirituality, truth, visions
Fennel: courage, energy, fertility, healing, longevity, protection, security, spirits, strength, visions
Fern: banish, concentration, confidence, defence, enchantment, focus, hexes, longevity, magick, money, prosperity, protection, purification, release, spirits, wealth
Fig: divination, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sleep, wisdom
Fir: calm, comfort, hope, insight, introspection, light, memory, renewal, spiritual awareness
Flax: beauty, bind, healing, luck, money, prophecy, prosperity, visions, wards away the evil eye
Forget-me-nots: beauty, clarity, friendship, memories, peace, relationships, success, true love, understanding
Foxglove: enchantment, faeries, harmony, magick, protection, secrets
Frankincense: astral realm, awareness, balance, cleansing, divination, exorcism, happiness, harmony, healing, meditation, power, prosperity, protection, purification, spirits, spirituality, success, visions
Gardenia: astral realm, comfort, compassion, emotions, femininity, friendship, harmony, healing, hex breaking, love, marriage, money, peace, relationships, spirits, spirituality, well-being
Garlic: anxiety-relief, banish, defence, fear, health, hex breaking, justice, magick, protection, purification, security, spirits, strength, well-being, witchcraft
Geranium: astral realm, balance, beauty, fertility, friendship, happiness, health, love, prosperity, protection, success
Ginger: attraction, beauty, balance, energy, grounding, healing, inspiration, love, luck, money, passion, protection, success, wealth, well-being
Ginseng: awaken, beauty, calm, creativity, fertility, healing, love, lust, memory, money, passion, wisdom, wishes
Goldenrod: beauty, divination, good fortune, happiness, intuition, love, money, prosperity, wealth
Gorse: faith, good fortune, love, money, prosperity, protection, rebirth, strength
Grape: abundance, fertility, inspiration, love, money, prophecy, prosperity, spirituality, transformation
Hawthorn: challenges, creativity, enchantment, family, growth, hope, life, love, luck, magick, marriage, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, release attachments, success, wisdom, wishes
Hazel: beauty, clairvoyance, communication, intuition, knowledge, longevity, luck, power, protection, security, strength, wisdom
Heather: awareness, beauty, change, faeries, luck, new beginnings, omens, peace, positivity, protection, spirits, spirituality, visions
Hemlock: breaks love spells, cursing, death, destruction, endings, poison
Henbane: astral realm, divination, love, magick, sleep, visions, witchcraft
Hibiscus: beauty, clairvoyance, divination, dream magick, harmony, love, lust, peace, passion
High John the Conqueror: bind, business, challenge, courage, desire, empowerment, happiness, hex-breaking, justice, love, lust, magick, money, peace, power, prosperity, protection, strength, success, wealth, well-being
Holly: balance, banish, beauty, consecrate, courage, dreamwork, enchantment, guidance, healing, life, luck, messages, power, protection, rebirth, security, sleep, spirits, strength, support, wishes
Honeysuckle: binding, confidence, devotion, fidelity, generosity, justice, love, money, prosperity, psychic abilities, success, wealth, well-being, wishes, witchcraft
Hops: calming, dreamwork, peace, prevents nightmares, relaxation, sleep
Horse Chestnut: divination, healing, luck, money, prosperity, wealth
Hyacinth: affection, beauty, emotions, grief, jealousy, joy, kindness, love, peace, prosperity
Hydrangea: boundaries, hex-breaking, intuition, prevents nightmares, protection, psychic abilities, removes curses
Hyssop: asperging, balance, blessings, cleansing, healing, protection, purification
Iris: acceptance, cleansing, freedom, inspiration, new beginnings, patience, psychic abilities, purification, wealth, willpower, wisdom
Irish Moss: abundance, luck, lunar magick, money, protection, water magick
Ivy: attraction, binding, fidelity, friendship, growth, love, marriage, protection, transformation
Jasmine: affection, attraction, beauty, dreamwork, friendships, harmony, healing, love, lust, peace, prophecy, relationships, sleep, spirituality, well-being
Juniper: banish, beginnings, break hexes, calm, dreamwork, emotions, grounding, harmony, learning, love, optimism, psychic abilities, sleep, spirits, spirituality, transformation, wellbeing
Lady's Mantle: alchemy, courage, fertility, love, luck, marriage, sleep, women's health
Larkspur: compassion, health, joy, love, openness, positivity, protection, protection from ghosts, relationships, sight, uplifting
Laurel: awareness, banish, blessings, clairvoyance, clarity, courage, determination, dreamwork, fear, inspiration, intuition, life, longevity, magick, manifestation, marriage, messages, prophecy, prosperity, protection, physic abilities, purification, sleep, spirituality, success, visions, wisdom, wishes
Lavender: anti-anxiety, calm, clairvoyance, clarity, concentration, dreamwork, emotions, grounding, healing, magic, manifestation, marriage, peace, protection, psychic abilities, relationships, tranquillity, well-being
Leek: exorcism, love, protection, victory, virtue
Lemon: banishing negativity, beauty, breaks hexes, cleansing, energy, happiness, healing, protection, purification, removes curses, well-being
Lemon Balm: anxiety-relief, calm, clarity, concentration, heartbreak, longevity, love, memories, money, past life, renewal, spirits, success, sympathy
Lemongrass: awakening, communication, healing, magick, opening, protection, psychic abilities, removes obstacles, spirituality
Liquorice: attraction, boosts spellwork, binding, control, fidelity, love, lust, power
Lilac: attraction, balance, beauty, clairvoyance, creativity, dreamwork, emotions, happiness, harmony, inspiration, life, light, love, luck, peace, purification, release, spirit contact, spirituality, well-being, youth
Lily: afterlife, beauty, calm, communication, creativity, love, manifestation, peace, prosperity, protection, purity, willpower
Lily of the Valley: calm, consecrate, desire, happiness, harmony, healing, inspiration, life, love, marriage, optimism, peace
Lime: cleansing, healing, protection, purification
Linden: attraction, calm, communication, longevity, love, peace, protection, sleep, strength, support, transformation
Lotus: awareness, balance, blessings, compassion, consciousness, creativity, dreamwork, empowerment, enlightenment, grace, gratitude, growth, harmony, healing, inspiration, introspection, life, light, magick, mindfulness, psychic abilities, rebirth, renewal, sleep, spirituality, wisdom
Lovage: attraction, dreamwork, justice, love, passion, purification, rebirth, romance
Mace: good fortune, love, luck, money, psychic abilities, success, wealth
Magnolia: attraction, clarity, harmony, love, marriage peace, purification, relationships, visions, wisdom
Mandrake: astral realm, banish, bind, challenge, courage, desire, divination, dreamwork, hex-breaking, love, magick, omens, money, passion, power, prosperity, sleep, spirits, wealth, witchcraft
Mango: family, friendship, love, protection
Maple: abundance, balance, communication, creativity, family, longevity, love, money, prosperity, relationships, transformation, wisdom
Marigold: affection, awareness, communication, consecrate, devotion, divination, energy, fidelity, grief, happiness, healing, jealousy, justice, longevity, love, peace, pleasure, prophecy, psychic abilities, spiritual protection, sorrow, success, transformation, visions, wealth, well-being
Marjoram: afterlife, attraction, calm, concentration, family, grief, healing, love, marriage, money, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, sleep, sorrow
Marshmallow Root: attraction, fertility, happiness, love, peace, soothing
Meadowsweet: celebrations, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, love, luck, peace, security, transitions
Milk Thistle: healing, hex-breaking, protection
Mint: consecration, healing, love, joy, peace, psychic abilities, psychic protection, purification, success
Mistletoe: awaken, beauty, blessings, consecrate, death, defence, divination, energy, fertility, friendship, life-force, longevity, love, luck, magick, marriage, messages, peace, power, prosperity, protection, purification, rebirth, renewal, spirits, strength, success
Morning Glory: affection, balance, change, consciousness, divination, dreamwork, family, fear, freedom, happiness, peace, strength, travel
Moss: comfort, healing, luck, money, protection
Mugwort: astral realm, awareness, blessings, clairvoyance, consecrate, divination, empathy, guidance, love, lucid dreams, magic, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, sleep, spirits, strength, travel, visions, witchcraft
Mullein: angels, awareness, balance, beauty, courage, divination, harmony, nightmares, protection from negativity, psychic abilities, purification, spirits, unity, well-being
Mustard: acceptance, control, faith, fertility, healing, justice, love, lust, money, power, protection, purification, security, strength, success, travel
Myrrh: abundance, afterlife, awareness, balance, banish, blessings, concentration, consecrate, gratitude, grounding, healing, hex-breaking, longevity, love, magick, manifestation, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, purification, renewal, spirits, spirituality, success, transformation, wealth, well-being
Myrtle: the afterlife, creativity, cycles, death, emotions, fidelity, grief, life, love, luck, marriage, passion, peace, prosperity, release, wealth, youth
Nettle: banishing, boundaries, communication, confidence, courage, defence, fear, healing, hex-breaking, justice, luck, magick, protection, purification, security, self-awareness
Nutmeg: beauty, beginnings, calming, clairvoyance, concentration, creativity, divination, dreamwork, enchantment, fidelity, hex-breaking, love, luck, money, power, prosperity, psychic abilities, sleep, strength, visions, wealth
Oak: abundance, blessings, confidence, courage, healing, inspiration, knowledge, longevity, luck, money, nature spirits, power, protection, strength, wealth, wellbeing, wisdom
Oak Moss: attraction, luck, money, strength, protection, wealth
Oat Straw: calming, concentration, fertility, money, stress-relief
Olive: abundance, attraction, balance, blessings, consecrate, fertility, harmony, healing, the home, hope, love, luck, marriage, money, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, renewal, spirits, success, travel, wealth, well-being
Onion: absorbs negativity, banishing, break bad habits, dispel anger, health, protection, purification
Orange: creativity, energy, friendship, health, inspiration, luck, vitality
Orchid: attraction, beauty, desire, fidelity, friendship, love, lust, psychic powers, youth
Orris Root: astral realm, attraction, communication, control, creativity, divination, love, magick, obstacles, protection, romance
Palm: abundance, beginnings, confidence, luck, magick, money, opportunities, peace, power, psychic ability, spirituality, strength, success
Palo Santo: cleansing, healing, inspiration, meditation, positivity, spirituality, uplifting
Pansy: divination, friendship, happiness, joy, love, mends a broken heart, purity, rebirth
Papaya: banishing, health, love, protection, warding
Paprika: boosts spellwork, courage, empowerment, energy, lust, strength
Parsley: cleansing, fertility, love, pleasure, power, protection, purification
Parsnip: fertility, grounding, healing, money, prosperity, wisdom
Passion Flower: anxiety-relief, attraction, balance, calm, challenges, clarity, confidence, dreamwork, friendship, inner peace, sleep, spirituality, the home
Patchouli: attraction, balance, banish, blessings, consecration, creativity, divination, fertility, grounding, growth, happiness, harmony, knowledge, love, luck, lust, magick, manifestation, memories, money, passion, peace, prosperity, psychic protection, purification, renewal, success, wealth
Peach: creativity, fertility, happiness, immortality, joy, longevity, love, luck, protection, warding
Pear: abundance, confidence, femininity, fertility, health, love, prosperity, protection, self-love, success, wisdom
Pecan: abundance, longevity, prosperity, protection, wealth
Pennyroyal: calm, family, healing, hex-breaking, love, marriage, peace, protection from negativity, purification, strength, the home, trust
Peony: anxiety-relief, banish, dreamwork, luck, magic, opportunities, prosperity, protection, release, sorrow, success
Peppermint: action, awaken, awareness, banish negativity, calm, challenge, clarity, concentration, creativity, divination, dreamwork, energy, healing, life, love, luck, lust, money, power, psychic abilities, purification, release, sleep, strength, stress-relief, visions, warmth
Pine: abundance, banish, bind, blessings, confidence, courage, creativity, energy, friendship, grounding, harmony, hex breaking, justice, prosperity, purification, reconciliation, release, spirits, spiritual growth, strength, truth, wellbeing, wisdom
Pineapple: fertility, happiness, luck, money, prosperity, wealth
Pistachio: abundance, hex-breaking, luck, prosperity, undo's a love spell, wealth
Plantain: healing, hex-breaking, protection, strength, warding
Plum: beauty, health, home protection, love, lust, passion, prosperity, romance
Pomegranate: the afterlife, blessings, creativity, death, divination, family, grounding, the home, hope, longevity, love, luck, prosperity, protection, wealth, wishes
Poplar: astral realm, courage, divination, money, prosperity, spirituality, wealth
Poppy: afterlife, astral realm, dreamwork, enchantment, fertility, love, luck, lunar magic, lust, money, omens, prosperity, rebirth, sleep, visions, wealth
Potato: abundance, grounding, health, nourishment, protection, warding
Primrose: anxiety-relief, balance, beauty, blessings, consecrate, faeries, friendship, generosity, harmony, love, magic, peace, purity, sorrow, spirituality, youth
Pumpkin: abundance, creativity, divination, growth, magic, manifestation, prosperity, protection, wishes, witchcraft
Raspberry: beauty, clarity, fear, love, optimism, pregnancy, protection, release, self-work, trust
Rhubarb: fidelity, happiness, love, lust, protection, well-being
Rice: abundance, fertility, health, money, prosperity, wealth, well-being
Rose: attraction, beauty, blessings, compassion, confidence, consecrate, devotion, divination, happiness, harmony, healing, love, luck, passion, protection, psychic abilities, sorrow, spirituality, strength, trust, wisdom
Rosemary: afterlife, attraction, banish, bind, clarity, cleansing, communication, concentration, courage, creativity, dream recall, emotions, focus, healing, hex-breaking, honesty, intuition, knowledge, life, longevity, love, loyalty, luck, magic, marriage, memory, negativity, protection, purification, rebirth, spirits, success, well-being, wisdom
Rowan: creativity, enchantment, healing, inspiration, magick, protection, psychic abilities, spirits, wisdom, witchcraft
Rue: banish, clarity, consecrate, defence, desire, divination, emotions, freedom, grace, harmony, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, love, magic, negativity, nightmares, power, protection, purification, release, sorrow, spirits, well-being, wisdom, witchcraft
Saffron: aphrodisiac, inner peace, love, memory, money, psychic abilities, success, wealth
Sage: balance, blessings, clairvoyance, cleansing, concentration, consciousness, consecrate, fear, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmony, healing, insight, knowledge, life, peace, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, spirits, spirituality, strength, visions, wisdom, wishes
Sandalwood: calming, dispels negativity, meditation, peace, protection, psychic abilities, success, tranquillity
Skullcap: anxiety-relief, calm, dreamwork, fidelity, love, relaxation, sleep, stress-relief, trance
Sesame: abundance, good fortune, fertility, luck, money, prosperity, purification
Snapdragon: banish, clairaudience, emotions, hex-breaking, money, prosperity, protection, release
Snowdrop: courage, hope, innocence, joy, miracles, new beginnings, optimism, purity, renewal, sympathy
Solomon's Seal: banish, decisions, intuition, magic, protection, purification, spirits, success, wisdom
Spruce: anxiety-relief, balance, calm, clarity, enlightenment, grounding, harmony, healing, nature spirits, protection
St. John's Wort: anti-depressant, anxiety-relief, banish, blessings, courage, divination, dreamwork, energy, fear, freedom, happiness, healing, justice, luck, money, nightmares, peace, prosperity, psychic protection, purification, strength, well-being, willpower
Star Anise: divination, manifestation, clarity, psychic powers, money, love
Strawberry: attraction, beauty, desire, friendship, harmony, love, luck, relationships
Sunflower: abundance, balance, clarity, energy, fertility, happiness, harmony, joy, light, luck, money, peace, release, sorrow, spirituality, strength, well-being, wishes
Sweet Pea: beauty, fidelity, friendship, love, luck, pleasure, strength, youth
Sweetgrass: cleansing, dispels negativity, peace, positivity, protection
Sweet Woodruff: balance, calm, change, friendship, healing, money, prosperity, protection, purification, success, wealth
Sycamore: abundance, communication, determination, endurance, energy, learning, longevity, love, purification, rebirth, stability, strength, wisdom
Tarragon: banishing, calming, compassion, confidence, courage, love, luck, peace
Thistle: banishing, defence, hex-breaking, hexing, protection, strength, warding, will-power, wishes
Thyme: awaken, awareness, calm, clairvoyance, confidence, consecrate, divination, energy, faeries, grief, growth, happiness, healing, honesty, love, luck, magic, money, nightmares, power, protection, psychic abilities, purification, renewal, sleep, sorrow, strength, well-being
Tobacco: banishing, blessing, cleansing, invoking spirits, offerings, protection, spirit communication
Tomato: love, lust, passion, prosperity, protection
Tulip: beauty, divination, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Valerian: anxiety-relief, blessings, calm, challenges, communication, creativity, happiness, harmony, healing, longevity, love, money, peace, protection, purification, reconciliation, sleep, spirits, stress-relief, truth
Vanilla: attraction, beauty, happiness, friendship, love, lust, money
Vervain: anxiety-relief, banish, blessings, calm, consecrate, discipline, divination, dreamwork, empowerment, enchantment, fidelity, freedom, grace, grounding, harmony, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, longevity, magic, marriage, money, nightmares, prophecy, power, purification, release, removing obstacles, success, wealth, witchcraft, youth
Violets: afterlife, angels, beauty, emotions, endings, faeries, guidance, happiness, healing, heartbreak, hope, love, luck, lust, marriage, passion, shyness, sleep, transformation, well-being, wishes
Walnut: blessings, consecrate, fertility, healing, knowledge, prophecy, protection, spirits, transformation, wealth, wellbeing, wisdom, wishes
Watermelon: cleansing, fertility, happiness, health, love, luck, lust, peace, relaxation
Wheat: abundance, fertility, growth, money, rebirth, wealth
Willow: beauty, beginnings, binding, blessings, communication, consecrate, courage, death, dreamwork, enchantment, fertility, freedom, grace, healing, inspiration, intuition, magick, optimism, prophecy, protection, relationships, sorrow, spirits, wishes, witchcraft
Witch Hazel: anxiety-relief, banish, courage, divination, healing, protection, willpower, wisdom
Wormwood: banishing, cleansing, divination, invoke spirits, opens your third eye, protection, psychic abilities, visions
Yarrow: attraction, awareness, banish, beauty, blessings, challenges, clairvoyance, confidence, consecrate, divination, fidelity, friendship, growth, love, marriage, power, psychic abilities, purification, release, spirit contact, spiritual protection, strength, success, visions, well-being, witchcraft
Yew: the afterlife, communication with spirits, death, divination, enchantment, eternity, longevity, protection, psychic ability, rebirth, resurrection, sleep, sorrow, spirits, strength, Yddrasil
Ylang Ylang: aphrodisiac, beauty, femininity, happiness, passion, stress-relief, youth
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