

Date: October 31st - 1st of November

Colours: black, orange, purple, brown

Crystals: black obsidian, black tourmaline, carnelian, onyx, smoky quartz

Plants: apples, blackthorn, catnip, chrysanthemums, cinnamon, elderberries, garlic, hazelnuts, mugwort, pomegranate, pumpkins, sage, squash, witch hazel, yew

Animals: cats, bats, spiders, crow, raven, owl, frog, toad

Symbols: afterlife, cauldrons, crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honour, spirits, the otherworld/underworld, visions, wisdom, witches

                                                                        Samhain Altar

About Samhain

 Samhain is one of the eight main Sabbats celebrated by witches, wiccans, and pagans. It is one of the four main fire festivals and the last of the three harvest festivals.

The veil separating the physical and the spiritual world is at it's thinnest this time of year. This  allows for communicating with or seeing the "other side". There is a higher chance of experiencing a supernatural or paranormal encounter.

It is a time for honouring ancestors and those that have died. Set up an ancestor altar to connect with and show respect for those that have passed.

Samhain, meaning "summer's end", is often considered to be Witches' New Year and the end of the Celtic year.

Samhain is typically celebrated at Midnight with rituals, a bonfire, and a feast.

Celtic pagans would carve turnips to keep away evil spirits. Now we can carve pumpkins for this purpose.

Carving jack-o'-lanterns has been a widely practiced custom for many decades. They're main purpose is to bring protection.

The tradition of dressing up in costume is considered a way of disguising yourself from evil or malicious entities that are thought to be prevalent on this day.

October 31st is sometimes referred to by Christians as All Hallow's Eve. All Hallows Day, November 1st, is a time to honour Saints and have a feast.

The Day of the Dead, November 1st, is celebrated in South America. It’s a day dedicated to honouring your ancestors and those that have died. 


  • Decorate a Samhain altar.

  • Set up an ancestor altar.

  • Visit a graveyard.

  • Practice divination.

  • Practice scrying in your cauldron, a crystal ball, or scrying mirror.

  • Make your own runes.

  • Communicate with spirits.

  • Dress-up in costume.

  • Do protection magick.

  • Carry protection crystals with you.

  • Visit a pumpkin patch.

  • Burn a protection candle in a pumpkin.

  • Burn incense in a pumpkin, choose an incense for protection magick.

  • Carve sigils into a pumpkin.

  • Use pumpkin seeds for prosperity spells.

  • Use pumpkins in kitchen magick.

  • Bake "Soul Cakes".

  • Make candy apples.

  • Have a "Dumb Supper". A Dumb Supper is basically where you set a place at your dinner table and invite a spirit of someone who has passed to join the dinner. The dinner is held in silence.

  • Light a candle on your windowsill to guide and welcome spirits into your home.

  • Use garlic to keep evil spirits away. Place a garlic bulb on your Samhain altar.

  • Do candle magick by lighting a spell candle in your cauldron.

  • Do shadow work.

  • If you see a spider on this day, it is said to be the spirit of a loved one watching over you.

Samhain Tea Blend:

  • Mugwort

  • Cinnamon

  • Apple

  • Rosehips

  • Elderberries

Samhain Oil:

  • Mugwort

  • Rose Petals

  • Bay Leaf

  • Rosemary

  • Frankincense

Samhain Incense Blend:

  • Sage

  • Cinnamon

  • Rose petals

  • Bay leaf 

Samhain Simmer Pot:

  • Cinnamon

  • Bay Leaf

  • Apple

  • Orange

  • Rosemary

  • Star Anise
