Protection Spell Jar

A spell jar for protection.
You Will Need
  • Nettles
  • Rosemary
  • Mugwort
  • Dragon's blood resin
  • Black salt
  • Crystal of protection such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, or shungite
  • Written intention
  • Black candle
  • Small glass bottle
How to Craft This Spell Bottle

Cast this spell on a Saturday, preferably on a Full Moon.

Burn sage or rosemary to cleanse yourself, the items, and the room you will be crafting this bottle in.

Anoint yourself with some protection oil.

Ground and centre yourself before you begin. Cast a circle of protection and call the quarters. Call upon your spirit guides or any deities you work with to aid you in this spell. Or do what you would normally do to prepare for spellwork.

On a small piece of paper write the word "protection" with your initials (if you are casting this spell for yourself). Fold the paper towards you three times if possible, place this in the bottom of the bottle.

Add the black salt, dragon's blood resin, rosemary, mugwort, nettles and finally the protection crystal. When adding the items to the bottle hold them in the palm of your hand and ask that they bring you protection.

While you are crafting this spell bottle be sure focus on your intention and visualise yourself surrounded by an impenetrable shield of golden light.

Take the black candle in your hands to bless it and set your intention. Carve the word "protection" into the candle and anoint it with a protection oil, or rosemary essential oil.

Light the candle and recite an incantation at this point, such as "I am protected".

Seal the spell bottle with the candle wax, then set the candle next to the spell bottle while the candle burns down.

To end the spell you can say a phrase such as "so it is" or "so mote it be". Take a few deep breaths, dismiss the quarters and give thanks to any deities or spirits that you may have called upon for this spell.

Keep the spell jar on your altar, by your front door, carry it with you, or keep it some place that you feel needs protection. Anoint the spell bottle with a protection oil from time to time. Charge it in the Full Moon light.
